Saturday, March 29, 2008

Weekend Update, Day 1, 2, & 3

Soooooooooo my weekend is going pretty good having the babies all by myself.

I met my friend, Jen Bishop and her kids, as well as our pastor's wife, Valinda and her son, up at the bounce house by our house yesterday morning for a little get-your-kid-outta-the-house fun time. Here are some pics from that...

Valinda and Koleman on the BIG slide! And William (Jen's son) and Julia

Then Kristi and Julia's best friend, Brianna came to spend the night last night. The girls ate Chick-a-Fila and then went upstairs for some play time. They ran around singing, "Ring Around the Rosy".....only they call it "PockaRosy". Then it was bath time. So much fun to see them take a bath together since we've been having them take baths together since they were itty bitty. Now they seem so old laughing and pouring water on each other. Brianna washed Julia's hair with a wash cloth and Julia returned the favor with a good belly wash.

THEN IT WAS BED TIME! Oh me, oh my! Usually Jason gives Julia her bath because it's typically at the same time Johnathan needs to be nursed. Well, apparently they developed new rituals over the last 7 weeks that obviously mommy was not aware of. One being that we no longer pray on her changing table together, we are to get on our knees on the floor to pray. I was in no way, shape, or form aware of any of these changes as Julia is screaming, "FLOOR! FLOOR! FLOOR!" I had no idea what FLOOR meant and simply went on with the original plan and that was to pray. Ohhhhhh noooooo....missy would not have anything to do with mommy's old boring ways. It wasn't until I asked Jason what the heck all of that was that he told me he's trying to get her ready for her big girl bed and to start praying on our knees once she moves into it. OHHHHHH - now that my daughter hates my gutts and thinks I'm anti-prayer!!!

So that part we are still trying to work on. It seems I'm a little out of the loop lately. I think having another baby has really thrown me a bit. Sometimes I feel removed from Julia in these areas, but am working on handing Johnathan over and truly getting down in her world more.

So we woke up this morning, ate breakfast and all 5 made our way to the bounce house place (for Julia, the THIRD day in a row!). Here are some pics and a video (YES! That's Mr Johnathan sliding too!) to prove our adventures.

Brianna and Julia



B-Mom said...

Love it! I have been going to call, but not sure when a good time was to check on you. Sounds like you've been busy though and I'm so excited that Kristi & Brianna came to spend the night. With the exception of baby Johnathan...a real girl's night out, huh!

Love the prayer story, too! Hang in there, does get easier! Love you all bunches!

Bartley Family said...

Good to see you today, let's get together soon after we get up there and moved. Love the blog.