Wednesday, August 27, 2008

No Lights, No Camera....No Action!

For my family, stop rolling your eyes! No, I didn't leave my camera in some restaurant or drop it from the bleachers of a 90,000 seat football stadium.

And for my friends, you can start answering your phones and the late night texts again. I won't be asking if your kids picked up my camera thinking it was a toy or if you can check your garage ONE MORE TIME or anything of the sort.

I'm convinced my camera simply grew legs and walked off! Straight from the mouth of my sister-in-law, Shannon..."How does someone so organized lose their camera!?!?"

I DON'T KNOW! And I'm sick about it. There were pictures on there that I'll never get back (that's unless my camera decides to come back). I'll keep you posted!

Okay, so anyway. That is why I haven't blogged in the last week or so. I like to include pictures when I blog and pictures, no blog.

But! I do have one pic to share with you and that is why I'm blogging now: I want to say, "we're proud of you, Jason!" Jason got ordained as a deacon in our church this Sunday. His mom and dad came in for the ordination and thankfully they had THEIR camera.

It was a special time. The pastor had all of the new deacons and their wives go up on the stage. He talked about what a deacon means....servant...and just perfect for Jason since he is a servant at heart! Then he talked to each of them telling them to serve the church well, to be men of God's word, to be the hands and feet and heart of the church. He had the elders as well as any man who has been ordained in the past to come lay hands and pray for each of the deacons.

It was special because Jason's dad was able to come up and pray for Jason. What an honor to have that kind of family line. Thanks Pop for being such a godly example to Jason! He has said more than once just how much he respects you and thinks the absolute world of you. You are such an incredible role model for him and he adores you. Thank you for not only teaching your son, but showing your son what it means to serve. He serves his friends well, he serves his co-workers well, he serves his family well, and he certainly serves us three well. May God bless you as much as you have blessed Jason. We love you!

Congratulations to you, Sweetie! You'll be the best darn deacon this side-a-the Mississippi! Wink!

So here's the pic. Sharon's camera was acting up, but I don't care because she has a camera and I don't:



B-Mom said...

I'm so sorry the picture isn't better. Is that the only one you got? There were 4! was a wonderful day! We love you both...uh, all 4!

LaShay & Steve said...

Sorry we couldn't make it. We're proud of Jason and I agree w/ you with the example that my dad set for all of us kids!

Also, you don't HAVE to pics to blog! We like to hear what's going on. And, you've been tagged by me and you don't have to have pics to blog when you're tagged!

Love and miss ya'll!!!

Anonymous said...

FOUND! On my phone! Your blog URL!

Your family is so cute. I LOVE seeing where you are in life and what God has done for you. He must think you are pretty special!

It was fab seeing your face at WoF!

Anonymous said...

We are so proud of Jason too!!