Thursday, September 4, 2008

Seven Month Comparisons

Here are the pictures from when Julia was 7 months old in 2006 and Johnathan at 7 months now:

Holy Smacks! Where does the time go??? I remember when Julia was 7 months old, I wanted her to stay that way forever. It was the most fun age. ((Of course when she'd turn one more month older, I'd think the same thing))

September 4th Johnathan turned 7 months old!

He is sitting up all by himself with hardly any falls now. He tries to do crunches when he's laying down because he prefers to sit up, that's for sure! He isn't crawling quite yet (Julia was crawling just a few days after her 7 month birthday), but we haven't really encouraged it either. We do "tummy time"....well, he does his own tummy time turning over, turning around, moving to all four corners of the room, and he even does that bending his knees thing. But he isn't crawling....THANK GOD! I'm not ready for him to grow up that much yet.

I'm still feeding him the homemade stuff. Going on a month now, which isn't as bad as I thought it would be. We do still buy some of the fancy stuff, but I do the veggies and the fruit. It gives me that Proverbs 31 woman feel. It may not be considering buying a field for my family....but I consider buying foods I can puree and save money with! Speaking of pureeing....Jason isn't a fan of my deceptively delicious dishes. I was secretly trying to get some veggies in him too and it didn't go over too well. I am not giving up just yet, but maybe I shouldn't puree EVERYTHING (especially chicken!).

Back to the little whipper snapper: He still takes a great morning and afternoon nap and lets you know when he needs one. He's got some lungs on him, but once you put a bottle in his hands, he's good to go.

He is holding his own bottle, which Julia never did. It's still amazing to me (I know some of you moms are thinking, "what?!"), but to me it's our first time and oh so great. He probably got to the point and was thinking, "if I don't do it, I may never eat!"

He's still got his purdy blue eyes and I still consider myself a "boy's mama"! (see my post when I talk about this), and he's just as sweet as ever!

Julia is really good with him, although she thinks she's his momma sometimes! Just the other day Jason said that Johnathan kept "walking" over to her (in his walker) touching her and she kept saying, "No no no Bubba! I'm sick of it! I'm sick of it!" Um, I wonder where she's heard that!? Whoops! Anyway, she is very loving to him and loves to play with him.

So, Johnathan is just growing and growing! We are blessed to have him in our lives. We can't imagine life without him, that's for sure. Happy 7 month birthday, my cute mans!

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