Friday, September 12, 2008

MOMs Group at the Library!

MOMs Group went to the Library last Friday. We went to "Story Time". Here's a little taste of what we experienced. I LOVED it....I mean, Julia LOVED it! We now sing Where is Thumbkin as one of our night time songs before bed.

We went into the kids section of the library afterwards and Jen Bishop (the one on the left) spotted an open section with "big people" seating. YES! We were all excited about the section and made ourselves at home. We even had the "Family" section bookshelf at our fingertips....only the "Family" section bookshelf was not so "Family" oriented (a little more PC than we liked!).

It was like a Seinfeld episode...seemed every book we would pull off the shelf was awful for our age kids. One book said their cat was DEAD (not something you can or even want to explain to two year olds), one book was about fighting, one book had pictures of a bra in it (an animated kids' book with this kind of stuff in it!), and the others were ones the kids were pulling off the shelf, not knowing what they were about. Here are a couple of them:

I thought this book plus my two pregnant friends (Jen Bishop on left, Angie Schroeder on right) was fitting!

Then we had lunch outside and took some cute pictures of the kids. We had several moms and kids missing this day but here are pretty much the "every weekers": Starting from left: Addison Smith, Bailey Bishop, Georgia Schroeder, William Bishop, Jackson Schroeder, and Julia.

Aren't they all so presh!? That's MOMs group for ya!


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