Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Happy TURKEY Day!

"Happy Thanksgiving to you, Happy Thanksgiving to you, Happy Thanksgiving dear you-ooh, Happy Thanksgiving to you!"

This is a little "Happy Thanksgiving!" from some turkeys in Romania. Jason was there a week ago for their Leadership Conference to meet with pastors for their 2009 campaign.

Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday. When I was growing up, my dad's sisters would travel in from California and Florida to be with us. They are a ton of fun and my dad just loved spending that time with them. We would cook and eat and eat and cook and rest and laugh and eat some more and laugh some more. Even at an early age, it very quickly became and has stayed my most favorite holiday.

It's also a tough time of the year too. My dad went the day after Thanksgiving to the hospital only to find out he had tumor on his back that was cancerous. That started a very quick 10 week battle for his life. I do believe there is a time to be born and a time to pass on, but it is probably still the most difficult thing I have ever faced in my life...the death of a parent.

Although it pains me deeply not to have him with me during this time of the year, I choose to hold on to all of the memories of Thanksgiving and how much fun we would have. I miss and love you, daddy. I'll eat some turkey, stuffing and sweet potatoes for ya! And I bet we'll laugh a little too!

I'm also praying the Aggies win a third year in a row too, but like Jason said, "you will need A LOT of praying for that to happen!"

Happy TURKEY Day to all of you out there!

Copy and Paste this to hear a special Thanksgivin' song:|10001|10051|143698|147551;-102001;11441;-102238;68110|ecard|P0R9S|ecards?&totalCategories=28&sortBySelect=&categoryId=68110

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