Thursday, April 16, 2009

TEA Party

TaxedEnoughAlready!! We went and joined others last night to stand up for what we believe as far as how the government wants to spend our money.

Ever since going through the Truth Project, my eyes have been opened to a whole new perspective on the world we live in. If you go to the site, watch one of the videos there in the middle of the page (either the short or long one). And hopefully you make it a priority to go through the study. It asks some really hard questions, but will cause you to think about what you REALLY believe in.

If you haven't already sent your tea bag into Washington, you can click here and do it now.

Anyhoo, here are some pictures of mi familia at one of the Frisco TEA Parties last night.



Anonymous said...

glad you were able to make it to a TEA Party!

B-Mom said...

So true...I'm proud of you guys for taking a stand and teaching our grandchildren to do so!