When I was four, mom said she came into my room one morning and she said, "guess what it's doing outside" (in a kind of sad face voice).
She said I looked at her, whipped the covers off of me angrily, shuffled to the window, pulled back the curtains (angrily again) and said, "oh man!".....then shuffled back, got into bed and pulled the covers back over my head.
I have always disliked the rain (I would say hate, but I'm trying to be kind). I feel trapped, isolated, cornered, entangled, confined, suffocated, the perfect definition of H.E.double-hockey-sticks for me!!
When we had the drought a few years ago, I loved it! I know the farmers suffered, even my dearest friend had to sell their entire cattle due to the drought, but I absolutely did not miss it one tiny bit.
So, I feel sorry for my kids when we have to be indoors for any length of time. Today has been one of those days.....I captured some pictures (one being my house is utterly a pigsty now)!
We made the most of it but I think it's really just me who's suffering the most.....HELP!
Sun, sun come out, come out where ever you are!