Thursday, September 25, 2008

For Uncle Brad

Jason always gets us (muah and the kids) a little somein-somein from the countries he visits. Anywhere from a pair of cool sandals from Africa (still my favorite of all the things), to cool red things (red's my fav color) like pottery or candles or such.

His last trip was to Ecuador where it is COLD, well to me it would's pretty much Cali weather year round. Sooo he bought me a nice gray scarf.

He has brought Julia back some really sweet Mexican dresses, shirts or purses/bags. This time he brought back these really neat pencils. I know that sounds weird, but she LOVED them. They are huge and some are in the shape of a parrot. Anyways, she loved them.

But the ABSOLUTE CUTEST THING EVER was what he brought back for Mr Johnathan! He got Johnathan a little soccer outfit. Since Uncle Brad's a soccer coach (at Mary Hardin Baylor), we thought he'd enjoy these pics and video.

Soooooo cute! Maybe one day Uncle Brad will be Johnathan's soccer coach. We're proud of all you do with your team, Brad, and we can't wait to see you in a couple of weeks.



B-Mom said...

Oh, my, gosh! That is soooooo cute. Sorry, but I laughed out loud when he fell backwards. Aren't I awful. But, nobody falls as cute as he does! He's gonna be a goalkeeper like his papa!

Shannon said...

So cute! Brad's been out of town, but I'll make sure he sees Johnathan in his new uniform:)

I laughed at the video too...we have several like that. And, Mallory does the same thing with Morgan... "You did it!" Aren't they so sweet...most of the time??

mandy said...

Jennifer-I finally got a chance to look at everyone's blog-I'm so glad you are doing it too! Jonathan and Julia are so big!! You've done a great job decorating your home-very creative! We miss you all and hope to see you soon!-Love, Mandy

Anonymous said...

Awesome! I will add his name to my 2026 recruiting fiel. Better start saving up...I'm sure tuition will be around $50,000 by then. I promise playing time. As long as he's not a Donkey like his Daddy!

Uncle Brad - now
Coach Bankhead - 2026