Monday, August 4, 2008

Mistreatment #1

Okay, here is my first mistreatment. First let me just say that this was originally a shower curtain that I just had to have for Julia's new big girl room! It had little puffy things on the shoes and cute little sayings all over it, the colors in the curtain matched her baby room colors already and the whole thing was just simply delightful. I didn't want to buy two because one was enough money for me, plus it was wide enough to cover her whole window. If only I was brave enough to cut it...

So my sweet friend, Laura Washburn, took it, cut it down the middle and sewed (GASP!) black-out curtains on the back of it. Then she added some jewels to the purses that are on there. Sooo much fun!

I bought the valance at Habitat for Humanity a while back for $10. It was MINT GREEN at the time, but once I sprayed it with chocolate brown fabric paint ($12), it was like new. Sooo I got my (shower) curtains, put them on a tension rod...actually I put it on a shower curtain rod that you can twist to make it shorter or longer, then I hoisted those bad boys up under the valance. Well, you can't tell from picture #1 that the rod was hanging at the very bottom of the valance. This was okay until it was nap time and Julia wanted it darker in there. Her window is one of those that has a curve at the top. So lots of light would beam down from the top because the curtain didn't go up that high.

Well, then I got introduced to Nesting Place (again, thanks to s-in-law, Shannon and friend, Courtney).

So I went to Hobby Lobby, got a yard of black fabric and some ball fringe thingies (all on sale - total of $8) and headed home. I got the ol' hot glue gun out, the iron and went to town (not literally....I was at home). I am still working on this, but here it is. I think I'm going to put some big black ball fringe on the bottom of the valance and some small white ball fringe going on top of that....all hanging from the valance to tie in the brown, black, whites and pinks.

Please give me some advice on what YOU think I should do. The one who gives me the best idea might just get a little surprise in their mailbox soon!



Anonymous said...

Where do you get your creativity from ??
That's right....I'm the one who used a stapler to 'hem' my pants !!

I saw another shower curtain at Kohl's with 'french knots'....I immediatly thought that may be a solution to your valance situation....another 'hunk' of black material with a few white 'thingys' glued on....but then, since it's brown to tie in with the color theme of her room, how about a few white 'thingys' (a few whispy white feathers would look great,too(I think))in addition to the ones hanging from the bottom of the valance ??.......
....I just LOVE living here....:)

Shannon said...

So cute! I am in love with ball fringe. I just bought a bunch on clearance to put on Morgan's bedskirt...whenever it is I get around to making it!!

I think it looks great and doesn't necessarily need anything more. Good job!

LaShay & Steve said...

I LOVE your decor!!! I have the BEST idea.... why don't you come to SA and do this for MY house! It will give you lots of practice! LOVE IT!

frillsfluffandtrucks said...

I don't think it *needs* anything more, but if you were to add something, maybe add some ribbon to the cornice part.

~ Sarah

kristi_temple said...

I wish I had a little girl to do this for. That is so beautiful. I love it!

Lamp Tramp said...

That is so it!

Anonymous said...

I love what you did!!
I think use little pink jewels (or ones that match the ones on the curtains) to make monogram style letter J (big) in the middle of the brown cornice. I think you could trace the J with a pencil and then hot glue the jewels on. If the pink doesn't show well, buy a wooden (thin & light) cute big J and glue the jewels on that and then hot glue it to the cornice. Is that clear as mud???

Deb said...

That is some seriously cute fabric. I don't think it needs much more, but if you're still not happy, maybe some white or pink grosgrain ribbon along the top and bottom of the cornice board. It may give it a little more depth for you. Great job

Bonita said...

I think it's perfect and adorable as it is right now! Great work!

Anonymous said...

Oh my goodness!!! You are good, really really good. I love it!!!

Anonymous said...

That is just gorgeous! I really like the whole thing!

Shell in your Pocket said...

Wow...those are great! Fun print!
Deb at

Anonymous said...

Beautiful!! Simply beautiful.