Sunday, August 17, 2008

I Got Tagged

Okay, my friends Courtney and Valinda tagged me. I am supposed to tell you 6 of the quirkiest things about me:

1. I brush my t e e t h in the shower. It's great, you don't have to worry about it getting all over the place!

2. I take my contacts out right first, then left. BUT in the morning, I have to put them in left first, then right. What is that all about?

3. I HAVE to vacuum the whole house and clean everything before we go out of town. I don't like to come home from a trip, where you are unpacking things only to make a mess. If there's already a mess, I'd get overwhelmed.

4. I do little piles of laundry instead of great big ones. If I have too much laundry to do, it takes DAYS. If I have little piles to do, it only takes a couple of hours to do the WHOLE thing: wash, dry, fold, put away. Great!

5. My desk at work has to be completely all put away before I leave each day, even if I still have tons to do. It's all put away, then pulled back out again.

6. I have to drink m i l k out of a glass and not a cup. It seems to turn warmer in a cup. Yuck!

Now I tag (which means you have to put a tag on your blog or comment with your 6 things):
1. Boppy
2. Shannon
3. LaShay
4. BMom
5. Kelly
6. Jenni

Have a great day!


The Berry's Patch said...

Hi Jenn,

Thanks for visiting my blog today. It's nice to meet you.

We could be related...I do almost all of those things you have listed.

Brandee :-)

Anonymous said...

Hello Jenn,

My name is Ashley Coursey. I am your Aunt Judy's (from Ga) Granddaughter. My mom is DeeDee. Anyway, Grandma found your blog website on a flyer sent out by your church and gave it to me. Anyway, my email address is I am not familiar with Blogspot. But I am going to look around a bit, and read some of your blogs! All I have is a myspace, so if your on there, I can give you my site there. But email me when you have a chance!!
Talk Soon!

Shannon said...

Nodding my head at all of YOU!

I just did mine!