Wednesday, September 16, 2009

i feel cheated on...

...we had a couple looking at our house all last week. they came THREE different times, the last with like 6 other was even equipped with a measuring tape, measuring the width of our garage and everything.

((how do i know this? because we spy from across the street during showings, don't you?!))

anyhoo, we were on the edge of our seats waiting to hear back from them thinking that if they're in our house three times for no less than 30 minutes each time, they are ready to make us an offer. the news is:

they. decided. to. go. with. a. new. build!!!

my stomach turns thinking about it. i'm quite upset. i feel like they cheated on us. don't they know our house is amazing? it's better than the other girl, i mean the other house. yah it's 10 years old, but it has character and a small toy room and a gas fireplace and great neighbors (on both sides!). you can't find those things with a new build!

i guess i'm just sick of it. sick sick sick of it. well, i'm sick of everything besides the house being immaculate every single day. nonetheless i'm just sick of the unknown. i want to know where i'm going to live, when i'm going to live there and when i can pull out my grammy's wing back chair out of storage and use it again. i want to leave my towels hanging on the towel bar again for a day and i wouldn't mind having the toaster back out on the counter again.

and i know all the spiritual answers you're thinking to give me right now.

i KNOW the lord just hasn't brought the right, sweet, incredible, gonna be great neighbors to my great neighbors, amazing young couple with one point two kids and possibly a our neighborhood yet!

i KNOW the lord has great plans for us in his timing.

i KNOW the lord is in control.

i KNOW it was just not meant to be.

look, i KNOW all these things and yet i'm still upset.

so, to the people who cheated on us: i hope you enjoy your new house with no character and mean neighbors. it just means that the lord has something better for us. just love your NEW house as much as we love this one. make a home of it, like we have this one. enjoy every single room, angle, stair, toy room, floors...every single part of it, like we do. and despite my feelings about you, i do truly wish you the best!

update: we had a showing yesterday and one today. so i know, i know it only takes one to make it all happen.

thanks for your prayers!



ehardin said...

so sorry! Hang in there!
I don't know if you remember, but we had a lady make an offer only to back out while my agent was walking up the driveway for us to sign!!!!
its soooo emotional!
I completely understand!


Digital Mom said...

JEN! oh gosh - those people! THE NERVE!

Your post did give me a reality check. We're moving stuff to storage today so we can put our house on the market. The toaster thing bugs me!

Thinking of you guys!