Sooooo sweet. I got home late from our women's ministry dinner and saw DogDog outside of Julia's door. I grabbed him and thought I better make sure he's in her bed before she wakes up and can't find him. I walk in her room and quickly change my mind.....she's moved on (well at least for that night anyways!). Soooooo sweet!
One of my best friends, Kristi, has allowed her same aged daughter, Brianna to chew gum since - I don't know....she was 6 months old or something crazy like that. Okay, maybe not that young, but the girl's been chewing gum for a long time. Well, I finally gave in a couple of weeks ago and we've been chewin' gum ever since. She LOVES it and does really well with it.
Doc said to start brushing J4's teeth, so we started and boy does he love off all of the toothpaste, but I get those 8 teeth shinin' and plaque free!
My worst nightmare happened tonight. I was getting Johnathan and Julia undressed upstairs in the "play room" for their baths. Jason had to leave to go pick up a friend. He thought we were going straight to the bathroom, so he left the gate open to the stairs. In the corner of my eye, I see Johnathan over by the stairs, but I didn't think anything of it because he always walks over there and looks down he stairs. Well, he got more than just a look tonight. He got the ol' heels over head, body rolling all.the.way.down.the.stairs!
I don't think I've screemed that long and loud since Prosper beat Celina. I was absolutely and utterly devastated. And if I think long enough about it, I could start crying again. Fortunately Jason was still in the house downstairs, so he was able to pick Johnathan up.....who, by the way - cried for about two point six seconds, then kept staring at me wondering why I was still hysterical!
I think he secretly liked the tumble and is probably plotting his next rolling session already. Here's a pic of him right after.....Mr Smiles, no problems, Johnathan Bankhead.
Girl, just wait - there are so many trips down the stairs in his all kinds of ways, with all kinds of means...I don't have enough fingers and toes for the amount of times Koleman has been down the stairs!! Those boys!!
Tate had his first fall down the stairs a few motnhs a friend's house. He was fine, but I had to eventually leave early b/c I couldn't put myself back together and just kept crying. So scary!
Julia is a pro at chewing gum. I don't think I've ever seen a toddler talk and chew gum like that. She's good!!
Poor Johnathan, but it was bound to happen sooner or later!
shame herpussy isn't showing
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